

Speed is important for any website; research shows that waiting just a few seconds will discourage you audience, while those on slow connections- like public wifi or rural 3G- may struggle to connect at all.

We make fast websites by doing our work carefully and well. Services such as Google Pagespeed, YSlow, GTMetrix, and Dotcom-Monitor will test a website for you automatically—and we receive excellent grades. Feel free to see how our site loads with any of those services—and take a look at our competitors, too!


While many website owners assume they are too small to be targeted by hackers, the truth is most attacks are automated and indiscriminate.

We use Let's Encrypt certificates to ensure traffic from your server is private and tamperproof, We follow best practices to make your server as hardened as possible, and most importantly, offer free automatic backups so that any damage can be quickly restored.

You can check an audit of this site's encryption with SSL Labs.


Few people consider the visually or physically impaired when they design websites, but we do. If you represent a government agency or large company, it may matter to you that we can make your website Section 508 and/or WCAG 2.0 compliant.

Otherwise, you can rest assured that our websites are tested using WebAIM's WAVE tool and manually with a screen-reader to ensure it's accessible to your entire audience.

Responsive Design

A "responsive" website is one that changes its layout to match the size of the screen viewing it- this is important because, for almost every website, half or more of your visitors will be using a phone.

Our websites adjust their layout to gracefully use the available space- if you're using a desktop browser, resize the screen to make it wider or narrower to see how it works!


Have you ever had to switch browsers to get a website to load correctly? We test your website on all major platforms (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, IE 11, Edge) to ensure that doesn't happen.

Note: we do not support Internet Explorer 10 and earlier unless requested due to lack of support for the new Flexible Layout Module, among other deficiencies.

Static or Dynamic

Oversimplifying a bit: static websites are generated ahead of time, and then served identically to each visitor, while dynamic websites are generated new for each visitor.

In general, we recommend static websites if your needs are simple and the site will receive infrequent updates, or you need the absolute best speed and security.

Dynamic websites are best if you need comments, a custom search function, you intend to produce new content frequently, or you want to use WordPress.

If you have more questions about how we build our websites, or you have a particular technology or system you need to implement, let us know!